Featured Books Slider Shortcode

Display Featured Books as Slider #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured']
Number of Books to be Displayed #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' display=8]
Display Featured Books from a Category #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' category='Category Name']
Display Featured Books of an Author #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' author='Author Name']
Display Rating #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' rating='on']
Display Download Button #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' download_button='on']
Display Buy Now Button #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' buy_button='on']
Display Featured Books With a Title #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' title='Hello World']
How Many Books in a Slide #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' slides_to_show=4]
Order By #


[wp_books_gallery_view layout='slide' type='featured' orderby="title" order="ASC"]

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