
Packed with Powerful Features to Showcase your Book Store

Create Clean, Modern & Responsive Book Showcase

WordPress Book Gallery allows you to build a gallery for books in minutes.

All you actually need to do is add the book information and display it on your webpage using a shortcode.

Books gallery home hero
Google Books API

Import Books via API From Google Books

This is a handy tool that saves a lot of typing. All you need is the ISBN 10 number of the book you want to import.

The importer brings in all the book details from the Google Books Archive. You can add multiple ISBNs at once, separated by a comma.

Sell eBooks Directly From Your Website

If you are an author or publisher and you have books to sell, you can sell it directly from your website.

You can sell your books directly through your site using WooCommerce plugin.

Sell eBook with woocommerce
Books affiliate to amazon

Earn Affiliate Commission for Every Book Sold

If you want to sell books and generate some passive income, there are a couple of ways to do it.

If you’re part of an affiliate program such as Amazon, you can set up links where visitors can buy the books in your gallery.

Multiple Sale Sources

With this books gallery plugin, you can sell or affiliate your books up to 15 different links.

An excellent and easy way to get more conversion of your affiliate programs.

Multiple sale sources
Import books from csv

Import Books From CSV

Don’t bother to add books one by one when you have the feature to import books from a csv file.

Just arrange your books once in a csv file and upload it when it is necessary. Quick and easy!

Fully Customized Search Panel

A fully customizable search panel where visitors can search their desired books with various search items.

Books Gallery search panel

Other Powerfull Features of Books Gallery Plugin

Easy to Setup

This plugin's well thought UI makes it easy to use and setup. Get started quickly.

Design Options

Easily customize the look to match with your site's branding and design.

Completely Responsive

Books Gallery is designed to work beautifully on all kind of devices.

Multiple Gallery View

You can display and organize books gallery view in multiple ways like Grid or List layout.

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Books Review & Rating

User can submit their reviews on various books. You can customize the review also.

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Multiple Authors

No worries if your books have multiple authors. You can credit them easily.

Multiple Book Details View

You can display books detail information in a single page or in a popup modal.

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Book Download Permission

Show hide download button for non logged in users to control who can download.

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Rearrange Search Items

Rearrange your search panel items by drag and drop in admin settings. Top item will come first.

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Translation Ready

Pot file included, so you can easily translate into your language with loco translator.

Extensive Documentation

We have created all the resources you need to get started with Books Gallery.

World Class Support

We take pride in building great products and offering friendly support.

We Are Open To Customize and Add More Features